I'm trying to automate our plugin generation for QB.
I've looked at maven tycho but I'm having issues with the Require-Bundle from the Manifest... I'm no Maven expert.
As someone manged to do this ? have someone successfully automated plugin creation outside of Eclipse ?
QB simply calls Maven command line to do the job. Make sure you can run the command successfully on command prompt.
Sorry Robin, may be we misunderstood each other.
I'm not trying to create a maven plugin from quickbuild.
I'm trying to build a quickbuild plugin like this : https://wiki.pmease.com/display/qb90/Set+up+Plugin+Development+Workspace
but outside of Eclipse.
From what I find out the best is to use Tycho https://www.eclipse.org/tycho/
but I have issues with quickbuild "internal" pluings (com.pmease.quickbuild, com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap, etc) that are referenced by the manifest file.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I filed an improvement request as:
We will add this support in QB10 to be released early next year.
Below is a list of currently planned improvements for QB10:
QB-3453: SAML SSO support
QB-3454: Slack notification to support json and image
QB-3426: Only build if there are new patch sets in Gerrit repository
QB-2358: Support for Gerrit stream event triggering
QB-3296: To support json rest api
QB-3398: Link directly to trigger configuration
QB-3413: Prevent Queue from being cleared of user scheduled builds if system or operating system crashes
QB-3415: Parallel Composition Step Cancelling Rework
QB-3431: Investigate to upgrade log4j and slf4j
QB-3436: Sent notification upon build not running due to snapshot taking or build condition evaluation error
QB-3444: In build overview panel, can the "error message step" column wrap line
QB-3443: HTML Fields using script code, gets converted to html
QB-3450: Implement Post-Queue Script
QB-3452: Support headless build of QB plugins
Turns out this is already possible. Please check step 13 of the plugin authoring tutorial: