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"Trigger Other Builds" step in a loop #3741

kururin ·


Quickbuild 7.0.4, under Windows 7

We have a sequential step with "Repeat parameters".
Inside this composition, we have a step triggering another configuration. This step does not use the "repeat parameters".

When a build is done, we can see that the "trigger" step is executed only once (screenshot here:

Question: is there a way to force QB to launch this step each time?
The trick would be to add a parameter with a different value everytime this step is called... but for some reasons we'd like to avoid this.

You can download a test configuration here =>

Thank you

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robinshen ADMIN ·

By default, QB only triggers same configuration only once in a single build chain. However you may force it being triggered multiple times passing some variables with different values, for instance in your trigger step definition, add below variable:
name: timestamp
value: ${new Date()}

kururin ·

Thank you Robin. That's the workaround we chose.