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Please add "Recursive" option to "Build Stats Gadget" #3933

jeon710 ·


Recently, most of project have many repository,
So one project can has many QB configuration.
So it is difficult to display build stats on dashboard.(Because I have to make many "build stats gadget")

I think if you add "Recursive" option to "Build Stats Gadget", it will be convenient.

Thanks & Regards,

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robinshen ADMIN ·

Hi Jeon,

Do you mean to have a gadget showing a table with each row displaying build stats for each child configuration?

jeon710 ·

Hi Robin,

No, My mean dispaly 'sum stats' of child configurations.

(Configuration tree)
'project name' ----- repo A  (build count 5)
                |--- repo B  (build count 2)
                |--- repo C  (build count 3)

If I made 'build stats' gadget with 'project name' configuration path and check 'recursive' option,
then I hope to display sum value on gadget. (build count 10)

robinshen ADMIN ·
jeon710 ·

That's good news!