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dynamically set email notification receivers #3960

OnQuickBuild ·

hello Robin

We have a configuration that's checking out files from other configurations' artifacts (multiple QB repositories).

So the committers from the upstream configs vary from time to time, and the downstream config always reports the committer as "scheduler". And the email notification won't send to the committers from the upstream configs.

In the notification settings, I see it can't use a variable as receivers (neither can group settings). My question is, is there a way to dynamically set the receivers of the Email notification?

Thank you!

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robinshen ADMIN ·

This is not possible via notification setting. However you may use the send email step to send email to list of users calculated via script.

OnQuickBuild ·

Hello Robin

The Email template from the default config notification is a lot better. And the send email step requires custom template.

Is it possible to support dynamic receivers for the default notification? Maybe through feature request?


robinshen ADMIN ·

You may file a feature request at