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Having Step Retry handle our entire set of errors #3972

JFedorkiw ·


We'd like to setup the Step Retry on one of our steps to retry only if a specific error pattern is found in the output of the job. Ultimately what we want to do is retry the step if there is a particular message in the output log. Due to the nature of our output in relationship to how this feature works, however, we're having difficulties getting it to work how we'd like.

Using: "If error message matches a specific pattern"

It seems like the errorMessage for a particular step is limited to 1000 characters. If we have a failure that outputs a large amount of errors the error message we may be looking for might not be found inside this string so we cannot find the pattern we want.

Is it possible to increase the size of errorMessage to be something > 1000 characters ?

Using: "If specified script evaluates to true"

It does not seem like there is anyway to scan through the log of the previously run step to manually search for the text you wish to trigger a retry. I believe this is because the script is evaluated on the node running the step instead of the server (meaning it has no access to the log).

Is it possible to scan through the step log in the script to search for a specific string ?
Is it possible to force this script to run on the server, instead of the node running the job, so we do have access to the logs ?

Aside from these targeted questions - Is there any other way we could get the behaviour we want using the provided tools. Specifically we want a step to retry if a specific string is present in the output of the step itself.

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rlmondragon ·

We have a similar issue, was wondering if there was anything to address the error message length?

robinshen ADMIN ·