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SchedulerServiceError - what does that mean? #4014

rmoog ·

I have such output:

23:55:52,359 INFO  - Trigger status: SchedulerServiceError
23:55:52,359 INFO  - Trigger message: Exception occurred.
23:55:52,800 ERROR - Step 'master>RUN SOME TEST?TEST_SCRIPT_ID=$sid:$project_name' is failed: Failed to run command: QBRunNowProxyClient\QBRunNowProxyClient.exe -id $id -t $build_name -r $no1 -rt $no2 --scriptGroupId $sgid -groupEmailRecipients "" --qbt "build:$build_id,report_name:$report_name,dashboard:$dash_name" --qbi "*****"
Command return code: 3

Due to reasons, some things had to be redacted. Is this to do with the actual return value of QBRunNowProxyClient.exe, or is it to do with QuickBuild 6?

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robinshen ADMIN ·

Looks like that this message comes from your command output. You may need to check the tool you are calling from QB.