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Use the value in Groovy script which is running inside python #4099

Akshay ·

Hi All,

I am using the below groovy script inside python script to get jenkins data for a job. But I am not able to access the python variable "JOB" inside the groovy script. Kindly Help

def job_details():
    JOB = "Abc/Xyz"
        info = server.run_script(
    import jenkins.model.Jenkins
    def test_job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(**JOB**)
    last_build_number = test_job.getLastBuild().getNumber()
    println last_build_number
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robinshen ADMIN ·

How does this relate to QuickBuild?

Akshay ·

Its Not related to quick build, Its just a blocker for me , So i thought of getting help