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Error on pre-clean #4115

tardis4500 ·

I have a configuration that occasionally errs out why trying to pre-clean the workspace on a step:
12:02:43,553 ERROR - Step 'master>Deploy>Deploy to Segments?SEGMENT=1>Deploy to Segment>Deploy to Servers?SERVER=0>Deploy to Server' is failed: Failed to delete file 'C:\QB\agent\prod\workspace\1319\DeployTool\DeployTool'.

It doesn't happen every time.

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robinshen ADMIN ·

To investigate the issue, please download the handle tool and placed it into C:

Then modify your pre-execute action of the step to run below script:

import com.pmease.quickbuild.util.*;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
  if (e.getMessage().contains("Failed to delete file ")) {
    def file = StringUtils.substringAfter(e.getMessage(), "'"); 
	file = StringUtils.substringBefore(file, "'");
	def stdout = new StringBuffer();
    def stderr = new StringBuffer();
    ("C:\\handle64.exe " + file).execute().waitForProcessOutput(stdout, stderr);;
  throw e;

When this issue happens again, the process using the file should be printed to build log