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accessing 3 lists with same size in parallel process with index to access them #4196

nalherbawi1900 ·

i would like to know how to use a parallel process and use one of 3 same size lists as Repeat Parameter
and access the other lists from indise those processes with index. if this scenario not applicable in quick build then what is the best way to do a parallel process with reapeat of the size of one of the same size lists and acess the data from inside the processes

  • replies 3
  • views 952
  • stars 2
robinshen ADMIN ·

I am a bit confused. You have three lists and want to process each list concurrently, or want to process each item in the list concurrently?

nalherbawi1900 ·

for example i have a the three lists holding first_name, last_name and address for 5 people
i need to do parallel process with repeating parameter of 5 and need in each process to access the associated data for the person from the 3 lists

robinshen ADMIN ·

Yes this is possible:

  1. Write all list data to a file
  2. Send the data file to the processing step
  3. Configure repeat parameter of the processing step to repeat for N times (N == number of items in the list)
  4. Inside the processing step, read the data file and get list item indicated by current repeat parameter