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release-notes.txt file invalid url #4207

jclx ·
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  • views 938
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robinshen ADMIN ·

Please use dot to separate configuration id and build version. For instance:

To get changes from a specified version, please select appropriate versions at right side of the issues screen for field "View issues since:". Note that we removed some prior builds including 9.0.17 to save space on the server. If you want to get list of changes since a version not existing on, please let me know and I will compile a list of changes for you.

jclx ·

Yes could you please send a list of changes since 9.0.17.
We want to know what has changed before upgrading.

robinshen ADMIN ·

Please upgrade to QB 9.0.39 as it fixed a major bug (bug #1 below). Below is list of changes between 9.0.17 and 9.0.39:

  1. Parallel Steps can cause double execution of child steps in some rare cases
  2. Auto-start fails occasionally due to some temp files not being able to be deleted
  3. Unable to run restore and upgrade script with OpenJDK 1.8.0_242
  4. Revert jetty to the version used in QB8 hoping to fix the "too many open files" issue
  5. Avoid opening file handles when check last modified time of assets
  6. JIRA Release Notes : Comparison method violates its general contract
  7. Artifactory deploy step does not work with files with space in name
  8. Inherit web hook doesn't work
  9. Documentation improvement for "force kill timeout" in advanced setting of configuration
  10. Upgrading from QB8 reports "data truncated" on SQL server configuration has long description
  11. Fix the issue that server element in promotion setting can cause migration failure
  12. Able to input Azure machine size instead of choosing from a limited list
  13. Improve node and resource preparation performance
  14. Git revisions wrong when >1 GitHub Repo with 1 using > 1 branch
  15. Step on agent reports deserialization error when GitLab merge request is being used
  16. Improve startup speed by reducing SQL queries needed for caching
  17. Able to customize user password encryption key
  18. Enhance the webhook features for GitLab
  19. Provide functionality to build open pull requests only for specific branch
  20. BitBucket server can support variables when triggering build by webhook
  21. Enhance the webhook features for BitBucket cloud
  22. Force database migration to add configuration/status combo index on build table
  23. Add more indexes on build to improve startup performance
  24. Prevent javascript from running in Test Case name
  25. Able to customize user password encryption key
  26. In build overview panel, can the "error message step" column wrap line
  27. File input variable causes exception for first run on Linux
  28. Cannot edit 'HTML Message' Gadet if it contains Groovy code
  29. Add back short path for parent node selection to speed up step scheduling running on parent node
  30. GitHub Webhooks suppport more event type (repository & issue)
  31. Labeling not not possible anymore since update to 9.0.23
  32. Variables support for GitHub webhook
  33. Alert firing strategy is showing strange name when using first failed strategy
  34. Changing the git password causes failing git operations on existing workspaces
  35. QB cannot deal with github webhook when reopen Pull Request.
  36. Request params in GitHub webhook url not work
  37. Last Login is not getting updated for REST api users
  38. I hope that QB can parse github's webhook payload data
  39. [GIT] Failed run command: git ls-remote ssh