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HELP - Production instance is having login issues #4223

CTower ·

Hi, our production instance is having serious log in issues. It has been stable for a long time but suddenly today started redirecting https login requests to http and not letting people in. No changes have been made to the config recently. I bounced QB and then bounced windows but the issue persists. I tried submitting a ticket in the admin console but that said to expect an answer in two days. Unfortunately if possible I need this addressed much sooner than that...

We are seeing this error in the logs every few seconds:

jvm 1 | 2020-04-03 15:57:37,105 ERROR - Error handling wicket request.
jvm 1 | org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Page expired.

Please advise as to what else I should provide in order to move forward. I am new to being the QB admin here.

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CTower ·

Oh, yes, and if it helps we are a Commercial user.

CTower ·

More details:

It appears as though it's redirecting the https (8443) login requests to http (8810). We are finding that if we start a fresh browser we can log in on https. Then if we log out, everything from that point gets redirected to 8810. Users are reporting in some cases 8810 not working for them. Once a browser session has had the redirect to 8810 happen then they cannot log in with that browser anymore.

robinshen ADMIN ·

Please see my answer via email.

CTower ·

Seen and initial testing with suggested change looks good. Thanks so much for the support. Fix was to comment out 8810 port in