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Is it possible to turn off 'Syntax highlight for groovy script' feature? #4233

JerryLee ·

I'm trying to upgrade QuickBuild from QB7 to QB10(latest).
Since 'QB-3295: Syntax highlight for groovy script' this feature, web brower program(Chrome, Firefox, ...) is too slow when groovy script is very huge.
Is it possible to turn off 'Syntax highlight'?
If it could be controlled in each Configuration setting(General or Advanced), it might be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.

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robinshen ADMIN ·

Is it slow when view script or edit script? And how many lines of your script?

JerryLee ·

Actually, it's a groovy step code around 3000 lines.
When it shows script via mouseover, it's fine but too slow in case of edit.

robinshen ADMIN ·
JerryLee ·

Thanks to reply, I'm watching.