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Do you have a plan to upgrade groovy langauge version in QuickBuild? #4250

JerryLee ·

When I download latest QuickBuild tar file, 'com.pmease.quickbuild_10.0.X.jar" contains 'groovy-all-1.8.9.jar' file.
I tried to update that jar file from old one to latest stable groovy jar file which is located here.

Obviosuly, the version is '3.0.4' now.

When I replace that 'groovy-all' jar file to the latest version, it works fine, in my test cases.

Do you have a plan to upgrade groovy langauge version in QuickBuild?

Since groovy 3.0 version, it introduces some useful features.

  • replies 3
  • views 1592
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robinshen ADMIN ·

We did a test upgrade previously and it caused many issues on some customer sites using groovy scripts heavily, so reverted it. For now, we leave it to customer choice.

Laba42 ·

For now, we leave it to customer choice

And how can the user change his groovy version?
Could I put a higher groovy version in plugins\com.pmease.quickbuild.libs?


robinshen ADMIN ·

Yes, that is the way to upgrade