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Trigger All child configuration. #4267

jintaeson ·

I have a question.
Among the QB configuration functions
Do you have a trigger function for all of child configurations?
And "Trigger Other build" can only set to one configuration?

  • solved #2
  • replies 3
  • views 1412
  • stars 0
robinshen ADMIN ·

Please follow below procedure to achieve this:

  1. Add a "trigger other build" step with configuration path specified as ${params.get("childConf")}
  2. Edit advanced setting of this step and add a param "childConf" with value specified as "paths of child configurations"
  3. Put the newly created step under a parallel composition step if you want to trigger child configurations concurrently
jintaeson ·

"paths of child configurations"
Is it possible to decide path?

robinshen ADMIN ·

Yes, you may select option "comma or new line separated values" to specify paths manually, or select option "evaluate specified script" to get paths dynamically.