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Issue displaying aggregated build stats #4273

drdt ·

I created a rollup of build metrics (duration, failures, etc) using the Aggregations feature. However, the results of this are not visible to anyone outside of an admin group (a group with 'Is Admin Group' checked).

For all other users/groups, including those with ALL capabilities checked and all permissions added to the config, I get this message on the dashboard:

You have no permission to access report Build Stats: check server log for details.

In the server log is this error report:

2020-09-04 13:13:19,014 [qtp633031992-30] ERROR - Error rendering gadget body (user: devuser, dashboard: System dashboard)
com.pmease.quickbuild.AccessDeniedException: You have no permission to access report Build Stats
at (etc...)

I was sure I had overlooked something, assuming I just couldn't find the setting to enable this. But with ALL permissions enabled (except 'Is Admin Group'), I still get this error message.

I think it must be a bug? I am using QB 10.0.11. Before I upgrade, I'd like to be sure it is fixed.

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steveluo ADMIN ·