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How about apply 2FA to QuickBuild? #4406


To increase security for the QB system, we need two-factor authentication
Do you have any solution or feature?

  • solved #6
  • replies 5
  • views 650
  • stars 1
robinshen ADMIN ·

@robinshen I still am implementing this feature by myself.
I get difficult in the process to redirect the correct QB page
the login process is the same SSO with SAML
My case: User access a QB page → check session → redirect to Signing page → login process (include MFA process at MFA service) → redirect to acs link at QB-> redirect correct page

How to get the original url?
I tried to use continueToOriginalDestination or response.sendRedirect(RequestCycle.get().getRequest().getOriginalUrl().toString());

but didn't work


it seems it is metadata at WebSession, but could you share me the best solution to get this?

robinshen ADMIN ·

The SAML login process might give you some idea:

  1. In class SignInPage, QB gets the original url and encode as a parameter to call SSOInitiatePage
  2. The SSOInitiatePage initiate SAML authentication and pass the original url as relayState
  3. After SAML authentication, QB gets back the relayState from authentication response and redirect to it.

Okie. I found Base page sends the original URL as a parameter to the Signing page and keeps it to redirect at SSOInitiatePage
Thanks for suggestion