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Is it necessary to create workspace path in build agent server which is available in QuickBuild server to run a job on build agent? #111

Debarati ·

We were trying to run a job on build agent which is installed in different server than the quickbuild server. Now the workspace path is already there in quickbuild server but in agent server the workspace path not available. When running the job, it is throwing error as " Unable to create directory: ".

Note: We have updated the workspace path in advanced settings option. and in the job, we selected node as our specific agent only.


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robinshen ADMIN ·

QB agent will try to create that if not already exist. If it compains about "unable to create directory", please make sure that agent process has permission to create that directory.

Debarati ·


Now we are able to switch workspace. Thanks for your support!!

Debarati Mukherjee