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Get list of all used steps in a configuration tree #54

tomz ·

I'm trying to get a list of all steps used in a configuration tree in a quickbuild script but I'm struggling to find the right APIs to do this.

What I'm trying to do to get the steps in a config:

Set<String> sortedStepNames = new TreeSet<String>(); 
myConfig = Quickbuild.getInstance().getConfiguration('path/to/config');
masterStep = myConfig .findStep(com.pmease.quickbuild.stepsupport.Step.MASTER_NAME);
compositeStep = masterStep as CompositeStep;
addChildrenToList(compositeStep, sortedStepNames);

def addChildrenToList(compositeStep, sortedStepNames)
  children = compositeStep.getChildren();
  for (Step s : children)
    if (s instanceof CompositeStep)
      addChildrenToList(s, stepNames);

But this is always failing with Exception: The step is not associated with any build.
What's the proper way to find all steps defined and used in a configuration tree. This will also help immensely if I can then delete all unused steps, as it could save me a great deal of time on the diffs.

Thanks in advance,
Tom Z.

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robinshen ADMIN ·

step.getChildren() should only be used during the build of corresponding configuration. Please use below script instead:


import com.pmease.quickbuild.stepsupport.CompositeStep;

Set<String> sortedStepNames = new TreeSet<String>(); 
myConfig = system.configurationManager.get('root');
addChildrenToList("master", sortedStepNames);

def addChildrenToList(stepName, sortedStepNames)
  step = myConfig.findStep(stepName);
  if (step instanceof CompositeStep) {
    for (childStepName in step.childStepNames) {
	  addChildrenToList(childStepName, sortedStepNames);