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[New Feature] `cat` revision logs #10

mshillin ·
Ability to `cat` revision logs. Would be nice to see all of the revisions between two different builds.
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robinshen ADMIN ·
Do you mean to add the ability to show revision log between two different builds even they are not adjacent?
[quote="mshillin"]Ability to `cat` revision logs. Would be nice to see all of the revisions between two different builds.[/quote]
mshillin ·
Yes, but it would have to be inclusive.

For instance if I had 5 builds in history (build 5 being the latest)


And selected Build3 and Build5, I would see revision logs in the following order

Build5 Revisions
Build4 Revisions
Build3 Revisions

If I were to select Build 1, Build3 and Build5, I would see revision logs starting at Build1 up to and including Build5. Even if I didn't select Build2 & Build3, the would be included. I would think that selections should be contiguous (and spare the user from having to select each revision log to include)

Also, there would have to be some kind of seperator between the each log in the concatenated log, so the user can determine where the revision occured.