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Using summernote in "Edit Setting" #3929

amazingguni ·

Hi, I'm developing plugin which is similar with Message Gadget.
For user convenience, I want to apply summernote or CKEditor to the inputtext.
Is there any way to implement this feature without modifying Quickbuild core src?

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  • views 1444
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robinshen ADMIN ·

Do you mean edit setting of the gadget? If so, CKEditor or other customized js is not supported as QB auto-generated the UI based on class and method annotations of the setting class.

amazingguni ·

It's correct. i mean edit setting of the gadget.
Umm.. Do you mean there is no way to implement customized annotation for gadget edit setting?
(for example, @HtmlEditor)

robinshen ADMIN ·

For now, there is no extension point for that. Please submit improvement request at